Thursday, November 25, 2010

Admiral Records Management

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hospital and Medical Moves In Alabama, Preparation Is Key.

Admiral has handled many complete hospital and lab moves, Jackson Hospital, Maxwell Ambulatory Health Care Facility, Baptist Hospital and the entire lab for the Alabama Department of Environmental Management just to name a few. We have also moved almost every medical facility, doctors office or lab in Central Alabama at least once. Our expertise in managing large scale projects assures our clients the confidence that each and every job will be done on time and within the, move budgeting time allowed. We sweat the details, so the customers never have to. We use a variety of types of building protection because we are fanatical about protecting your facility.
"As one might imagine, the hospital environment is extremely sensitive, requiring extra care to be taken in every manner. I found Admiral to be extremely flexible, timely and supportive in their efforts. The staff was very professional always completing the task at hand in a meticulous manner. The support and expertise they brought to the project was an irreplaceable asset."-Jeffery T. Jennings Jackson Hospital
We work with all your vendors, facilities personnel, and hospital administration to construct a plan that minimizes downtime!
Coordinating a hospital move – complete with millions of dollars worth of equipment, thousands of staff members and hundreds of patients – takes years of planning.  Admiral can help, whether it is budgeting, planning or complete management and execution, Admiral is there every step of the way.  To plan a move of this scale, flexibility is key and multiple contingency plans are a must.  Many unforeseen contingencies will present themselves during the move.  A well trained move team comprised of Admiral's management team, movers, and the hospital staff will adjust to the "audible" and keep the hospital, medical clinic, lab running and being productive. Our plan will keep downtime to a minimum, maximize your staff's productivity and save your entity money. Our clients demand that the move not cripple or handicap the critical needs of your organization, and as much as possible, we work around the ongoing operations of your organization. Lean on Admiral's 20 plus years of experience managing the largest moves in Central Alabama, and rest easy knowing your move will be done right. Call today at (334) 262-6666 and put our team to work for you.

Lab Moves are a Specialty for Admiral Movers

 "It was critical that the delicate instruments be moved with care and also speed to ensure minimal disruption to our analytical programs. Your personnel are obviously well-trained and conscientious, and our scientist were impressed with the overall professionalism of the moving crew. Your people handled the millions of dollars worth of lab equipment without so much as one item needing to be re-calibrated. The AirGlide® system was clearly the answer to relocate all our sensitive lab and computer equipment."
-Aubrey White--
Alabama Department of Environmental Management-Labs

As you plan for a major relocation our Total Move Management program becomes incredibly valuable as we rest the whole process from your shoulders to ours. This allows you to concentrate on leading your entity and focusing on your true mission, and your customers. As move time approaches, the demand on your time will go into overdrive, so let us manage the process so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. There is no reason for you to become an office, or hospital mover that is what we do.
A fantastic compliment to preparing for any move is a shred program, reducing the volume of paper, waste, and garbage reduces your overall costs, make the move go faster and gets you up and running faster. If you have files that are not accessed regularly then sending these to off-site storage is critical. This is smart business from a disaster recovery standpoint and by reducing the volume for moving your costs are one again lowered. Our scan on demand program allows you immediate access your information when you need it. If you have been meaning to go paperless, we can help, institute the paperless system going forward, allow us to store historical records and when you call for them we will scan them in and send to you, or upload to our secure web portal. You then archive these records just like you are doing with your paperless system, easy and it kills two birds with one stone. Our system work seamlessly with an EMR (Electronic Medical Records) because once we have scanned in your documents you can drop it right into your EMR, completing that patients history and record. See below for greater explanation.

Intelligent Archiving--Going Paperless
If your business wants to go paperless sometimes the notion is to try and grab all your old files and scan them in. This is known as "back-file processing" but, you will soon find it is just not practical to go back and scan all your old files and documents (the cost alone will blind you) only to realize you need only 5-10% of the information. We have the solution, first implement a paperless system going forward (day-forward processing), second for your old files place them in our records center and then using “intelligent archiving” Admiral will scan your files as needed. When you request a file, or document we will retrieve, scan and deliver it to you in a digital format. You then place these files on your server, document management system, or we can provide you with a disc with your file(s). Effectively you will be archiving ONLY the 5-10% of your documents that you call up for “scan on demand”, saving money and time. “Scan on demand” is a faster way to get your documents and is less costly than receiving the whole file or box. You have the option of immediate destruction since the file is now digitized or we can replace it back into your boxes. Our Andrews Software will enable digital archiving and is scalable. Since you can set an automatic destruction date for all your boxes you will make the transition to paperless, smooth, efficient, and cost effective. We can help your entity manage the task of dealing with today’s information rich world.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Intelligent Archiving
If you are currently using an EMR, electronic medical records system or are contemplating going to an EMR intelligent archiving and scan on demand are perfect compliments. The headaches associated with implementing and EMR are greatly reduced when you employ our systematic approach. Getting a handle on your paper flow begins with your historical data, files, charts and records and then in capturing it efficiently and without breaking the bank. Merging your information with your EMR is seamless and easy with intelligent archiving. Don't try and reinvent the wheel, you will find it very costly and exhausting. Call us 334-262-6666, we are here to listen and help you. Or email

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Electronic Medical Records and Intelligent Archiving
If you are currently using an EMR, electronic medical records system or are contemplating going to an EMR "intelligent archiving" and "scan on demand" are perfect compliments. First we index and catalog your charts, files and records and then when you request a record with our easy to use on-line software we scan (or upload to web securely) your information and send it to you instead of delivering the physical document. You may then leave on web, download to your server or drop into you EMR efficiently. The headaches associated with implementing and EMR are greatly reduced when you employ our systematic approach. Getting a handle on your paper flow begins with your historical data, files, charts and records and then in capturing it efficiently and without breaking the bank. Merging your information with your EMR is seamless and easy with intelligent archiving. Don't try and reinvent the wheel, you will find it very costly and exhausting. Call us at 334-396-5430 or email, we are here to listen and help you. is the website for Admiral Movers, Admiral Records Management and information regarding Intelligent Archiving

Intelligent Archiving, Going Paperless, Transition To An EMR

Intelligent Archiving--Going Paperless
If your business wants to go paperless sometimes the notion is to try and grab all your old files and scan them in. This is known as "back-file processing" but, you will soon find it is just not practical to go back and scan all your old files and documents (the cost alone will blind you) only to realize you need only 5-10% of the information. We have the solution, first implement a paperless system going forward (day-forward processing), second for your old files place them in our records center and then using “intelligent archiving” Admiral will scan your files as needed. When you request a file, or document we will retrieve, scan and deliver it to you in a digital format. You then place these files on your server, document management system, or we can provide you with a disc with your file(s). Effectively you will be archiving ONLY the 5-10% of your documents that you call up for “scan on demand”, saving money and time. “Scan on demand” is a faster way to get your documents and is less costly than receiving the whole file or box. You have the option of immediate destruction since the file is now digitized or we can replace it back into your boxes. Our Andrews Software will enable digital archiving and is scalable. Since you can set an automatic destruction date for all your boxes you will make the transition to paperless, smooth, efficient, and cost effective. We can help your entity manage the task of dealing with today’s information rich world.
Electronic Medical Records and Intelligent Archiving
If you are currently using an EMR, electronic medical records system or are contemplating going to an EMR intelligent archiving and scan on demand are perfect compliments. The headaches associated with implementing and EMR are greatly reduced when you employ our systematic approach. Getting a handle on your paper flow begins with your historical data, files, charts and records and then in capturing it efficiently and without breaking the bank. Merging your information with your EMR is seamless and easy with intelligent archiving. Don't try and reinvent the wheel, you will find it very costly and exhausting. Call us at 334-396-5430 or email, we are here to listen and help you. is the website for Admiral Movers, Admiral Records Management and information regarding Intelligent Archiving

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Commercial Moving Done Right

Commercial Moving Done Right
Commercial moving to be done right requires a much greater skill level than household movers typically posses, the equipment and methods vary greatly. Admiral Movers has the track record needed to ensure every business move comes off without a hitch, on time and on budget allowing the customer to focus on it's core mission instead of a moving crisis. Admiral Movers is Alabama Commercial Mover.

Bank headquarters, Hospitals, medical offices, law offices, even antique shops require specialized planning, unique equipment and most importantly experience. Admiral Movers has the proven solutions that are simple yet plan for the impossible task of relocating large volumes of heavy commercial furnishings, medical equipment, and do it all while keeping the customer productive. Since Admiral is also in the records management business through it's sister company Admiral Records Management we are the natural choice for so many office moves that contain highly sensitive records. Do you have the confidence that your mover will keep you and your company compliant, Admiral can help.   We are always prepared with our box-less move system to maintain a the all important chain of custody. Admiral's unique AirGlide system for moving computers, sensitive electronics and high-end medical equipment moves on a "cushion" of air ensuring, quick and safe relocation every time. Even our totes (specialized office moving boxes) offer convenience, they require no tape, are reusable,the easy lock top is attached and they are the right size so they do not get too heavy. The handles make it easy to carry. And since they require no tape, they can be re-used dozens of times making Admiral the GREEN choice, saving tons of trees. Call 334-262-6666 today for a free no obligation survey of your needs. is our website, look around and see why we are Alabama's Commercial Mover.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Make Your Home More Attractive To Buyers

Through a marketing alliance between United and Mayflower, we are pleased to offer you - Move Included. The idea is simple: a comprehensive marketing program in which the seller offers a move credit to potential buyers. Move Included provides you with branded marketing collateral to assist you in your listing presentations and communicate the exciting details for this offer to potential buyers. Best of all you can personalize all the material with a photo and your contact information. In addition sign riders will be available to differentiate your listings from others in the market place, creating interest in and driving traffic to your listings.

Move Included will...

* Set your listing apart from the competition.
* Make the home more attractive to buyers by lowering their out-of-pocket expenses.
* Generate more interest and traffic in a home listed using the program.

Register now to begin using the exciting Move Included program!
Move Included

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spotting Rogue Movers Before They Have Your Goods - BBB News Center

Spotting Rogue Movers Before They Have Your Goods - BBB News Center

Admiral Mayflower, Montgomery’s mover enjoys an A+ rating from the BBB, feel free to visit our website at If you want to avoid a “rogue mover” talk to one of our move consultants by calling 334-262-6666 or email us at


Friday, April 30, 2010

The Proper Role Of Government

The proper role of government has become a major political and economic issue in today’s world. Unfortunately, it has also become very divisive. So, what role should government play? In my opinion as a business owner, there must be a joint effort of government and private enterprise to provide the type of place people choose to live in and industry will locate or expand existing facilities to provide jobs and a tax base.  There are roles only government can provide, as well as functions that must be provided by private enterprise. 

Basically, city and county government’s role is to provide the infrastructure to make a place livable (utility service, police protection, fire department, streets, recreation facilities, public safety, libraries, etc.). Without these essential services, people, as well as industry, will not locate to a city or area. It is crucial that government perform these functions efficiently and equitably for all of its citizens. I expect my government to be fair in all of its dealings with all of its citizens, be beneficial, efficient and effective to those it serves, and to promote competitiveness in the private sector.

To have a vibrant, growing city there must be a good business climate. Industry provides the oil that makes the engine run. It provides employment that creates salaries, taxes, and in turn, provides the city services. I believe that any governmental body should have a tax structure that supports the growth of business, especially small operations. When the local economy is growing, almost always, the city follows. “A rising tide floats all boats” is an often-used phrase, but I believe allowing all businesses to flourish helps all citizens. Local government should do things that make its citizens proud to live and work there.

Quality of life is critical to new people locating to a city.  A lot of us want a clean city that is attractive and well maintained. Pride in this area fosters the right tone for us all, and encourages visitors to have a favorable impression of our whole region. Montgomery and the River Region are most fortunate to have an outstanding quality of life.  Not many cities of any size can match our offerings, such as the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and other entertainment and attractions venues. The relatively new River Walk and the recent revitalization of downtown Montgomery, along with an outstanding baseball park and a professional baseball team, certainly add to the quality of life for all citizens of the Montgomery area. Add the large number of college options and the work force it provides, and golf courses and other sports and recreational offerings in our area, and you provide people with a variety of choices. Again, you have a combination of government and private enterprise working together to provide a variety of opportunities for a quality lifestyle.

Education is of major importance! An essential element in any progressive community is the availability of good schools. The children hold the future in their hands, so to neglect to properly educate them assures failure as a society and municipality. Unfortunately, too many high school graduates do not have the skill level to assume positions requiring modest skill levels. Government’s role is to assure good physical facilities, but most importantly, demand well-qualified teachers and require discipline and expectations from teachers, students, and administration. An educated workforce is absolutely essential to the growth of any community, regardless of size. We must not fail in this area. 

Currently, we are blessed with strong leaders and good administrators in both the state and municipal executive offices. That can change easily. We, the citizens, must be diligent to keep competent leaders in place and hold them accountable. 

On the federal level, I believe if the U.S. – as the world’s largest economy, the world’s biggest innovator, and the world’s biggest exporter – is to remain in that position, we must ensure that America is the world’s best place to do business. The Federal government should not run the whole show, but they should demonstrate common needs by addressing their own uses first. As America’s largest landowner, building/owner operator, largest employer and therefore largest consumer of energy, government should focus its efforts on making sure its own internal operations follow sound business practices, including conservation of people and resources. By doing so, they pave the way for private enterprise to follow their lead. Government must create economic, social and environmental value while minimizing or avoiding damage to the economic, social or natural capital.

Finally, we should not forget that our government works for its citizens, and in the end the elected officials are accountable to the people.  Elected officials should never lose sight of the importance of being an advocate of private enterprise, and the two working together will provide a vibrant, healthy place in which to live and work. Quiet enjoyment, although very much a legal term, says a great deal about what citizens should expect from government. For the most part, I want government to let us all “quietly enjoy” our lives.  Allow us to live un-encumbered by unneeded intrusion.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ten Most Forgotten Items When Moving

With more than 43 million Americans planning to move this year, odds are even the most organized may not remember every detail of a move -- or every item. Remembering the “out of sight, out of mind” objects increases your success in moving all of your belongings. Mayflower suggests adding the following 10 points to the top of your preparation list:      
  1. For the record -- Obtain copies of your and your family's medical records, including any dental and vaccine/immunization information, as well as any veterinary records for the family pet. In some cases, a notarized letter is required to receive official documentation; you may need to contact the American Medical Records Association to determine your new state's needs. You might also consider transferring current prescriptions to a drugstore in your new town.

    Another record you'll want to be sure to have in hand is your child's permanent school record. School records are usually required when registering your child at his/her new school. Often, copies are not sufficient and require a raised seal
  3. Buried treasure -- If you've hidden any valuables around the house, be sure to collect them before leaving. You should carry valuable items such as jewelry with you or keep them in a safe deposit box instead of packing them on the moving van.
  5. Old phone numbers -- Pack phone books from your existing residence to take with you. You may think you'll remember the numbers you frequently call now, but more likely you'll spend a small fortune on directory assistance charges to contact old friends or tie up loose ends.
  7. Taken to the cleaners -- Remember to collect all items that are being cleaned, stored or repaired (for example, dry cleaning, shoes, watches, etc.). Also, remember to return library books, movie rentals and anything else you may have checked out.
  9. What's your new address? -- Keep your new address handy in your wallet or purse. In the flurry of preparing for a move, you may forget your new address -- important information when forwarding periodicals, mail and credit card bills, as well as keeping in touch with old friends.
  11. Spic and span -- Remember to leave out cleaning supplies for the final “once-over” before closing the door for good, or make arrangements in advance for a service to clean for you. To reduce the amount of things you take with you, if you are cleaning the home yourself, use up previously purchased cleaning products, and then throw away the empty containers when you leave.
  13. The opener -- Many people often forget to take the electric garage door opener out of their automobile before leaving. Remember to leave the opener for the new residents.
  15. Remember “Rover” -- In most cases, moving companies cannot transport animals or plants. Plan ahead and make arrangements for their safe transfer.
  17. Bank on it – It's wise to open a checking account in your new town about a month prior to your move so that you have immediate access to your funds. It enables you to have a little cash on hand for unexpected expenses. On occasion, retailers will decline to cash “out-of-town” checks.
  19. Keys to success – Remember the collection of spare house keys. Whether it means retrieving keys from neighbors or from under the rock next to the front door, don't forget to gather all sets before you depart.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My mover is affiliated with a well known national van-line, aren't they qualified to do office moves? Wrong.

I get this question from time to time. My mover is an agent for Mayflower, United, North American or some other well known national van-line; doesn't that mean they can do office moving?

The two are completely unrelated. A van-line line is concerned with interstate or long distance household moving and rarely does that type of mover qualify to do office moves. It reminds me of the time my wife had a horrible toothache, it was the first day of the Christmas holidays so I contacted a friend of mine who was a dentist. It turned out my wife needed a root canal and since because it was close to the holidays and I also suspect it paid well my dentist buddy said he would do it. Well after the procedure several days went by and yet it got worse, keeping my wife up all night even though we were feeding her the ibuprofen and antibiotic prescribed. Finally we got the name of an endodontist who confirmed that the dentist had missed three of the canals which was resulting in my wife’s pain. We scheduled an appointment two days later to fix the issue and go it fixed. My lesson, after all the agony of reaching for a quick and easy solution I cost my wife who is a school teacher her entire Christmas break. We ended up spending more money, and boy did I feel awful about not doing it right the first time. The same goes for an office move, the mover is driven by the envisioned revenue but, underestimates the job and the customer hoping to save a dollar goes forward. Mostly it is not that the mover intends to do a bad job they just "do not know what they do not know” about a commercial move. Monday morning comes and the move is unfinished, furnishings or the building was damaged or both. Everything must be moved a second time due to a poor plan or movers becoming exhausted and giving up. This leaves the person in charge of the move looking inept, frustrated and pointing fingers along with all of the other employees. The business is out of commission for many days or week after the move, sadly this was very avoidable. First talk to some other businesses that have moved and get their recommendations. Only consider movers who have done three to four moves of your type and size in the recent time period. If this is a hospital or medical move find someone experienced with medical equipment. If your move involves lots of confidential records you may want a mover who also does records storage and is familiar with all the privacy laws. The mover you pick should keep you concentrating on the rest of your operation not become a move planner, that is what you are paying him or her to do.

Another one I hear is "I thought my mover was a good choice for my business relocation because they had been in business for 30 years...... “Remember my example with the dentist, he had been a dentist for a long time, he just did not have the experience to do root canals. Track record, experience and training are the key to hassle free office moving. For solutions instead of excuses call 334-262-6666 or visit our web site at

Contrary to what most people think, an office move is not like a really large house moves

Office moves of any real size are an incredible challenge even for an experienced house mover. Unfortunately for their customers they often find themselves in way over their heads halfway into the move. Make no mistake, office moving is as different from a household moving as orthopedics is from dentistry. Even if you have the very best orthopedic surgeon, do you want him or her doing your root canal? Because of inexperience, a household mover attempts to judge an office move similar to a really big house move, or a bunch of really big house moves all stacked together and they underestimate the project. This makes for a no win situation. Commercial relocations require attention to a thousand tiny details, and during the move or it will get out of hand quickly. I think of a good sized office move like a train, a train trying very hard to skip the tracks. It takes a very experienced conductor and crew to prevent disaster.

The first red flag is a mover who presents a dramatically lower price or significantly less time and/or manpower than the other movers you are considering or a mover that possesses a proven commercial relocation track record. Office furnishings are much heavier than household furniture. They require specialized equipment, planning and know-how and that starts with the proper estimating tools. A specialized office cube sheet that enables the move consultant to know how many truck loads a move will take and not only weight or volume is key. House movers stack tightly to the roof of the truck for long trips. Conversely an office mover keeps everything on wheels and moves much more quickly because they use a bucket brigade method and cannot afford to un-dolly and re-dolly everything several times at the truck. Underestimating the real size of an office move means the workers become fatigued resulting in damage, stress and disorganized placement which drives your office downtime up and lost productivity to the max. Ed Katz, the " office moving guru" states that "Two-thirds of those responsible for their company's relocations either lose their job or get demoted afterward. A well run office relocation allows managers to not only save their job but to come out looking good."

Another red flag is when a mover suggests using boxes (see later blog regarding this pitfall). This is a classic give away. Do not let the camouflage fool you this is a household goods mover disguised as an office mover. Tough economic times are causing many home movers to re-brand themselves as an office mover. However, without the proper training, their workers will be learning on the job with your company's relocation? Can you really afford to provide on-the-job training and risk your company's well being? It pays to go with an office moving professional for solutions instead of problems. Call 334-262-6666, or visit

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Box- less Office Moving--Easy, Organized, Cost Effective

If a mover suggests using boxes for your, or so called plastic crates (which are just plastic boxes) for your office move - run, run, run! This is a classic sign of a household goods mover masquerading as an office mover.

Box-less (or minimal use of boxes) moving is the sign of an office relocation professional prepared to keep your entity rolling with a minimum of downtime. Moves can be expensive. Not getting back up quickly and generating revenue can be devastating. A poorly run office move is not a bargain at any price. True office movers will use electronics or computer carts and "office gondolas" (large rolling bookshelves on wheels) versus boxing to keep things in order, mobile and ready immediately upon delivery.

Boxed or plastic crate moves cost you greatly:
  • Takes a lot of extra effort packing (costs extra payroll or costs more)
  • All your books, files, etc. become inaccessible as soon as they are packed
  •  Takes much longer to move (costs more, more downtime)
  •  Eats up trees, bad for the environment
  •  Produces the moving hangover (lost productivity)
  •  Removal hassle

A box-less move saves money, effort, and trees:
  •  Normally loaded the day of move (costs less, boosts morale)
  •  All books, files, desk contents can be accessed even during move
  •  "Office Gondolas" move in less time than boxes (less downtime, less money)
  •  Environmentally "friendly"
  •  Gets your office back up and running immediately
  •  Gondolas leave with movers

For simple solutions and a box-less move call 334-262-6666 or or visit our web site at

Saturday, March 27, 2010

You are about to let complete strangers drive off with all your wordly belongings

Look for the signs of a "fly by night" mover, they are usually in plain view. The signs are rental trucks, changing names or legal structure, operating out of a mini-storage, parking lot or apartment, changing addresses or phone numbers often, a cell phone as the only number should be a dead give away. "Too good to be true pricing"-guess what it is. Many times these bad actors use “pick up help" or "day laborers" that are not employable by movers who do full background investigations. You are about to allow a total stranger into your home and to drive off with all you worldly belongings. Do your homework, do not get burned. Check with BBB, District Attorneys, PSC and friends to be sure your mover is reputable and in it for the long haul. A major van line association is not always a sure fire sign of a good mover, but, it is a good indicator. A good van line looks for financial stability, proper insurances, training and safety procedures, also a van line knows how to spot a bad apple versus a top performer. "I really feel bad when someone comes to me after they have had a major issue with a "rogue" mover with damage, lost items or worse and then I see they  have chosen someone who has a bad track record." "Most of the time there is very little that can be done, they just have to hope the manager will solve the issue or they may have to hire a lawyer." "I think the big thing folks need to remember is the old adage, if it seems to good to be true it probably is" says Scott McNelley. Scott McNelley is owner of the Admiral Companies, an Agent for Mayflower Transit and a 25 year veteran of the moving industry. For inquiries call 334-262-6666 or or see the website at

Friday, March 26, 2010


MoveRescue-MoveRescue is the first industry-endorsed consumer assistance service aimed at stopping disreputable and unscrupulous interstate movers.

You are about to allow a total stranger drive away with all you belongings, be careful

Look for the signs of a "fly by night" mover, they are usually in plain view. The signs are rental trucks, changing names or legal structure, operating out of a mini-storage, parking lot or apartment, changing addresses or phone numbers often, a cell phone as the only number should be a dead give away. "Too good to be true pricing"-guess what it is. Many times these bad actors use “pick up help" or "day laborers" that are not employable by movers who do full background investigations. You are about to allow a total stranger into your home and to drive off with all you worldly belongings. Do your homework, do not get burned. Check with BBB, District Attorneys, PSC and friends to be sure your mover is reputable and in it for the long haul. A major van line association is not always a sure fire sign of a good mover, but, it is a good indicator. A good van line looks for financial stability, proper insurances, training and safety procedures, also a van line knows how to spot a bad apple versus a top performer. "I really feel bad when someone comes to me after they have had a major issue with a "rogue" mover with damage, lost items or worse and then I see they  have chosen someone who has a bad track record." "Most of the time there is very little that can be done, they just have to hope the manager will solve the issue or they may have to hire a lawyer." "I think the big thing folks need to remember is the old adage, if it seems to good to be true it probably is" says Scott McNelley. Scott McNelley is owner of the Admiral Companies, an Agent for Mayflower Transit and a 25 year veteran of the moving industry. For inquiries call 334-262-6666 or or see the website at

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Information Assets are Key to Disaster Recovery


Information assets (Data, Contacts, agreements, financial records etc.) are in fact any entity's most valuable asset and should be regarded in the same way as any other corporate asset. As such, they must be protected by management. This requires a managerial understanding which integrates business and technological perspectives.

To reference protection is to imply an environment of risk, and therefore management of this risk is necessitated. Risks such as disasters and mismanagement are inherent in the corporate world. Randall Miller, in the November 1989 issue of Contingency Journal, explains that we must exercise our "duty of trust" and "duty of care" and apply the common-law standard of the "prudent man rule" to our management of information assets.

By pushing disaster-recovery planning to top management as "a responsibility prudent men would exercise," we are, according to Miller, exerting, "...reasonable efforts to investigate and become informed about the condition of the corporation, its assets and the conduct of its affairs.” Statutory and common law require this standard of behavior from officers, directors, and managers.

Don't be liable. Not having a plan in place is poor business at best and negligence at worst.  Physical segregation of your company's information assets from it's normal daily operation is the first step. Backup tape rotation, off-site documents storage, and a managed retention schedule facilitate seamless continuity in case the unthinkable does happen.  Your organization will be able to survive and make it through a disaster such as fire, tornado, or flood. Having all your eggs in one basket has never been a good strategy. Don't be the business that keeps all it's records in the attic or basement and it's back up tapes in the bookkeeper's desk drawer.

As Miller says, "Corporate officers, managers, and agents who fail to take critical action ... may be held personally liable to their corporations under ordinary principles of agency law." Exercising good judgment that accepts the possibility of a disaster and the need for recovery is as important as buying insurance and for the same reason.  Given the human tendency to look on the bright side, many business executives are prone to ignore "disaster recovery" because disaster seems an unlikely event.  Those that do not have a plan do so at their own peril and that of their employees, stakeholders, patients, clients and customers. Your Corporate Counsel, CPA, and Risk Managers should work together so that continuity is not a nightmare endured during crisis. Call 334-396-5430 or visit and we can work together to create a plan.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Going Paperless, Scan on Demand, Intelligent Archiving

If your business wants to go paperless you will find it is just not practical to go back and scan all your old files and documents (the cost alone will blind you). We have the solution. Implement a paperless system going forward, but, for your old files place them in our records center then using “intelligent archivingwe will scan your files as needed. When you request a file, or document we will retrieve, scan and deliver it to you in a digital format you only digitize files you need. You then place these files on your server, document management system, or we can provide you with a disc with your file(s). Effectively you will be archiving ONLY the 5-10% of your documents that you call up for scan on demandsaving money and time. “Scan on demandis a faster way to get your documents and is less costly than receiving the whole file or box. You have the option of immediate destruction since the file is now digitized or we can replace into your boxes. Our Andrews Software will enable digital archiving and is scalable. Since you can set an automatic destruction date for all your boxes you will make the transition to paperless, smooth, efficient, and cost effective. We can help your entity manage the task of dealing with today’s information world manageable. Call 334-396-5430 today, or send mail to for a free assessment.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Admiral Records Management adds latest technology and software

Admiral Records Management adds latest technology and software

Customers of Admiral Records Management now have access to the latest advances in records and information storage technology and software.

Admiral is the only company in the River Region offering InfoKeeper Records Management Software for secure online indexing, retention scheduling and other data management needs. The system provides secure online retrieval whenever boxes or files need to be accessed by customers (be they paper documents, medical records, blueprints, legal exhibits or other material stored with Admiral). While hospital networks, law firms and major corporations use the same solution in other markets around the country. Admiral is excited to be the exclusive provider rolling the software out to customers in Central Alabama.

The system can be personalized to make customer indexing fast and easy.

“Added to all the custom features and easy-to-use interface are powerful security tools that should give customers incredible peace of mind,” said Admiral Records’ owner Scott McNelley. “The low cost (including zero ‘per user’ fees) makes the software an attractive solution for any business or organization managing less active information assets.”

Also introduced is a new route management and mapping tool as part of a major upgrade by Admiral’s Cleveland, Ohio-based systems developer; Andrews Software, Inc. The new software release includes enhanced functionality for managing environmentally sensitive media; specifically related to setting up rotation schedules for back-up computer tapes. The new mapping utility can also be linked directly to Microsoft MapPoint and other logistics systems for handling deliveries and pick-ups of storage boxes, media cases, security consoles and destruction containers.

The third innovation represents a powerful option for digital archiving; including both a flexible software interface in conjunction with fully integrated electronic storage facilities. Admiral Records Management partner Image Fortress, of Westford, MA, developed the digital archive solution. Image Fortress was recently awarded a contract by the General Services Administration (GSA), the federal agency responsible for employing over a million people, for digital archive services; a testimonial to the level of technology now available to Admiral’s customers.

Businesses and organizations that store and protect records and archival data can use Info Keeper’s secure online interface to handle either physical or electronic information. After input, Admiral Records Management customers can then access any information assets and enjoy retrieval and/or delivery 24 hours a day; 365 days a year.

McNelley confirmed that several customers have already placed requests for the new management systems and are excited about the efficiencies, improved workflow, enhanced control and reduced business risks associated with use of these new tools.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Medical Records Storage, Get Organized and Get Compliant

When it comes to caring for medical records and confidential health-care data and patient information, Admiral Records Management offers confidential and cost-effective off-site storage solutions you can count on. We pride ourselves on understanding the sensitive nature of serving hospitals and health-care professionals; especially when it comes to gaining control of ever-increasing volumes of information under ever-increasing regulatory and budgetary pressures.

We offer safe and secure facilities for the retention of physical documents, files, film jackets, fiche, data, computer cartridges and tapes as well as digital information such as MS Word documents, images, email and web content.

We can help you index records and information by patient number or name, visit or release date, department, physician or provider info, other dates such as date of birth, adult vs. minor, and a number of other possible descriptive categories. We'll personalize our systems and the corresponding tools you can use to manage information to your needs, using your language and focusing on your way of tracking patient information. And if you already have records and data management software and systems in place, we'll look at how our systems might talk to yours; further increasing maximum accuracy and saving valuable time eliminating redundant processes.

We also pay special attention to HIPAA laws and are sensitive to protecting the privacy of any and all information under our care. We have policies and procedures in place specifically designed for the health care community.

Managers of health-care information face a growing number of mediums to manage and increasing regulation and compliance issues. You’ll be glad you chose the people, the facilities, and the information management solutions at Admiral Records Management.

Call us at 334-396-5430 or see us on the web at

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Go Green Recycle Office Waste and Get Organized Share

 Recycle and Repurpose!

If your office needs more space let Admiral come it with secure shred/recycling containers and remove unneeded office papers and waste. Admiral Records Management can take less frequently but needed files to our records center and use our "box-less" system to reorganize your workspace. If you have furnishings that are not being used we can store them or haul them to the dump. Sometimes your furniture can go to Goodwill, Catholic Social Services or the Sunshine center. Call us today at 334-396-5430 or visit

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Total Office Move Management Solutions by Admiral Movers

Admiral's Total Office Move Management Service  AirGlide, Boxless move
Admiral Movers Total Office Move Management

Total Office Move Solutions by Admiral Movers

For over 20 years, Admiral Mayflower has been Montgomery'sOnly True Office Mover! No detail is too small or overlooked in keeping a business client operating smoothly before, during, and after its relocation. Total Office Move Solution is Admiral's concept for limiting nonproductive "downtime" which saves the client money and the disorganization associated with regular household movers.

During the initial visit, two of Admiral's move consultants will come, assess what the client wants. In addition, we assess what you staff needs from us so that the move goes smoothly. Our sister company, Admiral Records management, can shred unneeded office waste and supply the entity with secure shred consoles. ARM will also store your confidential, infrequently accessed files in Admiral Records Management's Off-site Records Center. The result is a reduction in overall cost of your move and leaving only the relocation of core operating assets on move day. The result is minimizing downtime and you are up and running faster.

About two weeks out we offer a free "pack seminar" where we go over simple color coded labeling system, packing and obsess the schedule walking through a "dress rehearsal" so all the employees can hear firsthand all instructions. Everyone gets a chance become aware of any conflicts. If we need to make changes, it is much better to get everyone on the same sheet of music now. This meeting only takes about 30 minutes but is the real key to a successful move.

"AirGlide" computer wraps is Admiral's patented safe and easy way to move all sensitive electronic, medical, video, computer equipment. AirGlide utilizes extra-large anti-static bubble-wrap and our special cross warp method. Then we place each piece on the easy ride computer carts for a smooth ride to their new location. Since the AirGlide wrap is clear all the color-coded labels allowing our folks and your IT staff ease placement and getting the network up & running.

Our special reusable office totes (have handles, make their own tops, need no tape, and collapse easily for storage) allow your employees to handle their personal items and "hot files" and ensures that during and just after the move your team members can continue to operate and put their hands on their documents.

Admiral's Box-less Office Gondola' System eliminates the need for packing boxes, the downtime associated and the "moving hangover" after the move. Office Gondolas are much easier to load and unload than boxes, keeps everything in order, and move so much faster than boxes. On top of that, because you are eliminating 16 boxes with every gondola your office is doing the environmentally friendly thing and going green. We have moved the largest loan operations centers for America's largest banks, several records centers for hospitals, doctor, and legal offices all with ease and organization.

Almost every bank, law firm, doctor's office, insurance company etc. in Montgomery and surrounding areas has been moved by Admiral on several occasions, call us at 334-262-6666 or see our website at Total Office Move Solutions makes moving easy, and of off course we can store anything you may need.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Off- site document storage aids in disaster recovery

Sometimes, the best use of your space isn't to set up a more efficient filing system -- it's to move the paper completely off of your premises! OFF-SITE document storage companies CATALOG your files, store them for you in a secure facility, and retrieve any item you need on a moment's notice! It also ensures that in the event of disaster your entity can maintain ongoing operation.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


By storing your confidential, infrequently accessed files in Admiral Records Management's Off-site Records Storage facility, the opportunity for unauthorized individuals have access to the Records is eliminated. Unauthorized individuals could be employees, visitors, customers, contractors, vendors, janitorial staff, etc. Additionally, you save valuable high cost real estate expenses. Finally, you keep your employees focused on Customers, Patients or Clients, not on managing old Records. For more information on the benefits of Off Site Records Storage, 334-396-5430