Saturday, April 3, 2010

Box- less Office Moving--Easy, Organized, Cost Effective

If a mover suggests using boxes for your, or so called plastic crates (which are just plastic boxes) for your office move - run, run, run! This is a classic sign of a household goods mover masquerading as an office mover.

Box-less (or minimal use of boxes) moving is the sign of an office relocation professional prepared to keep your entity rolling with a minimum of downtime. Moves can be expensive. Not getting back up quickly and generating revenue can be devastating. A poorly run office move is not a bargain at any price. True office movers will use electronics or computer carts and "office gondolas" (large rolling bookshelves on wheels) versus boxing to keep things in order, mobile and ready immediately upon delivery.

Boxed or plastic crate moves cost you greatly:
  • Takes a lot of extra effort packing (costs extra payroll or costs more)
  • All your books, files, etc. become inaccessible as soon as they are packed
  •  Takes much longer to move (costs more, more downtime)
  •  Eats up trees, bad for the environment
  •  Produces the moving hangover (lost productivity)
  •  Removal hassle

A box-less move saves money, effort, and trees:
  •  Normally loaded the day of move (costs less, boosts morale)
  •  All books, files, desk contents can be accessed even during move
  •  "Office Gondolas" move in less time than boxes (less downtime, less money)
  •  Environmentally "friendly"
  •  Gets your office back up and running immediately
  •  Gondolas leave with movers

For simple solutions and a box-less move call 334-262-6666 or or visit our web site at

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