Sunday, September 12, 2010

Electronic Medical Records and Intelligent Archiving
If you are currently using an EMR, electronic medical records system or are contemplating going to an EMR "intelligent archiving" and "scan on demand" are perfect compliments. First we index and catalog your charts, files and records and then when you request a record with our easy to use on-line software we scan (or upload to web securely) your information and send it to you instead of delivering the physical document. You may then leave on web, download to your server or drop into you EMR efficiently. The headaches associated with implementing and EMR are greatly reduced when you employ our systematic approach. Getting a handle on your paper flow begins with your historical data, files, charts and records and then in capturing it efficiently and without breaking the bank. Merging your information with your EMR is seamless and easy with intelligent archiving. Don't try and reinvent the wheel, you will find it very costly and exhausting. Call us at 334-396-5430 or email, we are here to listen and help you. is the website for Admiral Movers, Admiral Records Management and information regarding Intelligent Archiving

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