Sunday, February 28, 2010

Going Paperless, Scan on Demand, Intelligent Archiving

If your business wants to go paperless you will find it is just not practical to go back and scan all your old files and documents (the cost alone will blind you). We have the solution. Implement a paperless system going forward, but, for your old files place them in our records center then using “intelligent archivingwe will scan your files as needed. When you request a file, or document we will retrieve, scan and deliver it to you in a digital format you only digitize files you need. You then place these files on your server, document management system, or we can provide you with a disc with your file(s). Effectively you will be archiving ONLY the 5-10% of your documents that you call up for scan on demandsaving money and time. “Scan on demandis a faster way to get your documents and is less costly than receiving the whole file or box. You have the option of immediate destruction since the file is now digitized or we can replace into your boxes. Our Andrews Software will enable digital archiving and is scalable. Since you can set an automatic destruction date for all your boxes you will make the transition to paperless, smooth, efficient, and cost effective. We can help your entity manage the task of dealing with today’s information world manageable. Call 334-396-5430 today, or send mail to for a free assessment.

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