Sunday, November 18, 2012

House Movers Disguising Themselves As Office Movers Using Plastic Crates

Office Moving Plastic Crates Avoid a move nightmare

Office Moving Plastic Crates

Beware of house-movers using plastic crates to disguise themselves as office movers. Say no to plastic crates for an office move. 

 More and more we are seeing traditional long distance household movers camouflaging themselves as office movers. It is no mystery why, the housing is off so it is survival. For very little money they buy or rent plastic crates, but, they miss the point. That point is using a plastic crate means you still have all the downtime associated with packing and stacking. Once everything is placed and stacked guess what your business is SHUT DOWN, no revenue, no productivity, no customer care. A plastic crate is a box, albeit a plastic box, but it is still a box. So you arrive at your new office, more downtime as you go through and unpack your crates/boxes.Also they are the wrong size for office material (books, files, manuals) which always goes in a 1.2 cube box because of the weight. No mover would allow you to load a box bigger than a 1.2 cube box, because at 1.2 cubes you are already at 50 lbs. Plastic crates are twice that the size of a 1.2 at 2.5-3 cubes that weigh 80 to 90lbs. And who is going to be packing, loading those mammoth boxes/crates your office staff. I hope you have very forgiving workman’s compensation insurance because you are about to hurt someone.These wiseguys will say things like “plastic crates are green”, “they are renewable” but, what they are not is efficient for an office move unless you do not mind the hassle. And you have more money than good sense. The household mover does not really care he just wants your money until house moves pick back up and he can return to what he really does.

Real office moving professionals will use office gondolas, double-sided book shelves (shelves tilt in) on ultra smooth caster using non skid, non marking wheels. They load in a tenth of the time as packing and you items are accessible the whole time. (unless you want secure transfer, where we use a different material to seal gondolas, numbered security seals). Gondolas allow one mover to move what would normally take 3-4 movers which not only cuts down on your downtime it save moving charges as well. Everything is in order throughout the move. Getting you back up and running immediately is the icing on the cake. And since no boxes, petroleum, plastic were used anywhere in the process I guess we know who the GREEN mover is.

Be sure to look for a true box-less mover with office gondolas, they will also have E-carts for smooth ride in anti-static bubble wrap bags for electronics and computers. If one of these crate mover are not serious enough about office making to make the full investment of gondolas tell him to take a hike with his plastic crate/boxy things!

We are here to help call 334-262-6666 or email

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