Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Montgomery Office Moving: Why Traditional Methods Simply Don’t Make Sense

 Any company that has moved offices knows that it can be an expensive endeavor, but when it comes to moving records and securing chains of custody, the drain on time, money, and resources can be even greater. Traditional Montgomery office moving services boast about their use of plastic crates, calling them eco-friendly and efficient versus the traditional cardboard box moving method. The larger issue, however, is that all forms of boxed record moving take a toll on the environment, cost too much, and are not 100 percent secure.Montgomery office moving  Disadvantages of Traditional Record Moving Methods Traditional record moving procedures no longer make sense. Not only does the business pay for the cost of the cardboard boxes—at an inflated rate—but the business pays for the record moving service itself. To preserve the chain of custody and protect customer identities, businesses have to pack and prepare their own boxes. Therefore, one or multiple employees are taken away from their usual jobs to help pack and prepare documents for shipping. This takes time away from the business, reduces productivity, and increases downtime between moves.  Unless the company has hired a Montgomery office moving company to provide total move management services, once the business arrives at its new destination employees will again be tasked with taking the time to unpack, reorganize, and manage the records. This means additional time wasted until the company can reopen its doors and get back to business. The boxes may be recycled or simply thrown in refuse, thus going to waste.  Plastic Crates Do Not Equal “Green” Moving A new trend has shown up in the record moving industry: plastic storage crates. Companies market these crates as “eco-friendly” moving and storage options. The issue, however, is that making these plastic crates takes a considerable amount of energy and resources and creates waste in the process. Though these are reusable and more durable than cardboard moving boxes, plastic crates still have the same issue: time wasted packing, moving, storing, organizing, and securing the chain of custody.  Box-less Gondola Office Moving Systems The only cost-effective, truly “green” office moving option available is the box-less moving system. A hybrid Montgomery office moving and records management company uses reusable gondolas that are wrapped, sealed, and stamped to preserve the chain of custody, eliminating the hassles associated with traditional box or crate moving. During the packing or unpacking stage, records are easily accessible and unloading takes a matter of minutes, as opposed to the hours it takes with traditional moving systems. The Advantages of Box-less Office Moving Systems A Montgomery office moving company that is concerned with reducing the impact on both natural and business resources will have mastered a box-less gondola records moving system that:
  •        Takes 90 percent less time to pack and unpack records for moving
  •        Takes less moving personnel, thus saving the company on moving costs
  •        Makes loading faster and easier than traditional crates or boxes
  •        Causes less downtime between moves
  •        Is cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly
 The Disadvantages of Traditional Office Moving Systems Conversely, office movers stuck in the old way of moving are still using cardboard boxes or plastic crates that:
  •        Wastes time, productivity, and supplies
  •       Takes four to five movers to relocate files
  •        Creates extensive downtime before, during, and after the move
  •         Costs more in moving expenses
  •        Are inefficient, not eco-friendly
Businesses looking to go “green” while also lowering the expense of office moving need to not only consider the initial cost to move, but the time, productivity, and employee waste that goes into the move as well. By taking all of the factors into account, a business can make its move as efficient as possible and save a little green in the process. If your business is relocating and you want to learn more about box-less moving, visit the Montgomery office moving experts at or call 877.816.3454. Learn more about Montgomery records moving and management at +admiralmovers