Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mayflower Transit Tips to Avoid Rogue Movers

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Proper Role Of Government

The proper role of government has become a major political and economic issue in today’s world. Unfortunately, it has also become very divisive. So, what role should government play? In my opinion as a business owner, there must be a joint effort of government and private enterprise to provide the type of place people choose to live in and industry will locate or expand existing facilities to provide jobs and a tax base.  There are roles only government can provide, as well as functions that must be provided by private enterprise. 

Basically, city and county government’s role is to provide the infrastructure to make a place livable (utility service, police protection, fire department, streets, recreation facilities, public safety, libraries, etc.). Without these essential services, people, as well as industry, will not locate to a city or area. It is crucial that government perform these functions efficiently and equitably for all of its citizens. I expect my government to be fair in all of its dealings with all of its citizens, be beneficial, efficient and effective to those it serves, and to promote competitiveness in the private sector.

To have a vibrant, growing city there must be a good business climate. Industry provides the oil that makes the engine run. It provides employment that creates salaries, taxes, and in turn, provides the city services. I believe that any governmental body should have a tax structure that supports the growth of business, especially small operations. When the local economy is growing, almost always, the city follows. “A rising tide floats all boats” is an often-used phrase, but I believe allowing all businesses to flourish helps all citizens. Local government should do things that make its citizens proud to live and work there.

Quality of life is critical to new people locating to a city.  A lot of us want a clean city that is attractive and well maintained. Pride in this area fosters the right tone for us all, and encourages visitors to have a favorable impression of our whole region. Montgomery and the River Region are most fortunate to have an outstanding quality of life.  Not many cities of any size can match our offerings, such as the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and other entertainment and attractions venues. The relatively new River Walk and the recent revitalization of downtown Montgomery, along with an outstanding baseball park and a professional baseball team, certainly add to the quality of life for all citizens of the Montgomery area. Add the large number of college options and the work force it provides, and golf courses and other sports and recreational offerings in our area, and you provide people with a variety of choices. Again, you have a combination of government and private enterprise working together to provide a variety of opportunities for a quality lifestyle.

Education is of major importance! An essential element in any progressive community is the availability of good schools. The children hold the future in their hands, so to neglect to properly educate them assures failure as a society and municipality. Unfortunately, too many high school graduates do not have the skill level to assume positions requiring modest skill levels. Government’s role is to assure good physical facilities, but most importantly, demand well-qualified teachers and require discipline and expectations from teachers, students, and administration. An educated workforce is absolutely essential to the growth of any community, regardless of size. We must not fail in this area. 

Currently, we are blessed with strong leaders and good administrators in both the state and municipal executive offices. That can change easily. We, the citizens, must be diligent to keep competent leaders in place and hold them accountable. 

On the federal level, I believe if the U.S. – as the world’s largest economy, the world’s biggest innovator, and the world’s biggest exporter – is to remain in that position, we must ensure that America is the world’s best place to do business. The Federal government should not run the whole show, but they should demonstrate common needs by addressing their own uses first. As America’s largest landowner, building/owner operator, largest employer and therefore largest consumer of energy, government should focus its efforts on making sure its own internal operations follow sound business practices, including conservation of people and resources. By doing so, they pave the way for private enterprise to follow their lead. Government must create economic, social and environmental value while minimizing or avoiding damage to the economic, social or natural capital.

Finally, we should not forget that our government works for its citizens, and in the end the elected officials are accountable to the people.  Elected officials should never lose sight of the importance of being an advocate of private enterprise, and the two working together will provide a vibrant, healthy place in which to live and work. Quiet enjoyment, although very much a legal term, says a great deal about what citizens should expect from government. For the most part, I want government to let us all “quietly enjoy” our lives.  Allow us to live un-encumbered by unneeded intrusion.