Saturday, July 24, 2010

Alwaysleading Photo Gallery

Admiral Photo Gallery

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Commercial Moving Done Right

Commercial Moving Done Right
Commercial moving to be done right requires a much greater skill level than household movers typically posses, the equipment and methods vary greatly. Admiral Movers has the track record needed to ensure every business move comes off without a hitch, on time and on budget allowing the customer to focus on it's core mission instead of a moving crisis. Admiral Movers is Alabama Commercial Mover.

Bank headquarters, Hospitals, medical offices, law offices, even antique shops require specialized planning, unique equipment and most importantly experience. Admiral Movers has the proven solutions that are simple yet plan for the impossible task of relocating large volumes of heavy commercial furnishings, medical equipment, and do it all while keeping the customer productive. Since Admiral is also in the records management business through it's sister company Admiral Records Management we are the natural choice for so many office moves that contain highly sensitive records. Do you have the confidence that your mover will keep you and your company compliant, Admiral can help.   We are always prepared with our box-less move system to maintain a the all important chain of custody. Admiral's unique AirGlide system for moving computers, sensitive electronics and high-end medical equipment moves on a "cushion" of air ensuring, quick and safe relocation every time. Even our totes (specialized office moving boxes) offer convenience, they require no tape, are reusable,the easy lock top is attached and they are the right size so they do not get too heavy. The handles make it easy to carry. And since they require no tape, they can be re-used dozens of times making Admiral the GREEN choice, saving tons of trees. Call 334-262-6666 today for a free no obligation survey of your needs. is our website, look around and see why we are Alabama's Commercial Mover.